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Mission, Vision and Values

Over the last 25 years, 15 million people have been cured of leprosy but there are still over five million people affected by the ongoing impact of leprosy today.

But many people in Northern Ireland do not know that leprosy continues to blight the lives of millions of people around the globe. We desperately want them to know that:

Leprosy still exists. There is a cure. It can be ended in our lifetime.

About us

Founded in 1874, The Leprosy Mission is an international Christian development organisation working in over 30 countries.

Our Vision

Leprosy defeated, lives transformed

Our Mission

Following Jesus Christ, we strive to break the chains of leprosy, empowering people to attain healing, dignity and life in all its fullness. The Leprosy Mission Northern Ireland engages and educates people to help resource and support life-changing work in leprosy-affected countries. 

As long as leprosy afflicts individuals and communities we are committed to breaking the chains of leprosy, addressing underlying causes as well as working to prevent disability and empowering people to attain healing, dignity and wholeness in their lives.

We are driven by the example of Jesus Christ to minister and work in support of The Leprosy Mission International by involving people from Northern Ireland in the work of the Mission. 

Strategy for Growth 2021 - 2025

The Leprosy Mission Annual Trustee report 2020

To achieve our vision of a world without leprosy, we focus on:

  • Prayer

    We believe this is the most valuable aspect of the work we do and we love to encourage, resource and partner with our many faithful pray-ers across Northern Ireland. Find out more.

  • Raising awareness of the disease

    With schools, churches, individuals, youth groups, and others – we believe we have a duty to make it known across Northern Ireland that leprosy still exists and that millions of people around the world are still in need of care and support. Find out more.

  • Education and advocacy

    We are committed to promoting an accurate understanding of leprosy; to increasing access to equal human rights for those affected by leprosy by tackling stigma and discrimination and promoting positive change in public policy and practice. Find out more.

  • Financial support

    Little can be achieved without the continued and increasing financial support from people across Northern Ireland. We are committed to engaging with people to show them how the funds they donate are making a lasting difference to thousands of lives around the world. Find out more.

  • Volunteering

    Our volunteers are the lifeblood of the organisation and we are incredibly grateful for the way they serve God and the mission through the time and energy they give. Find out more.

What we do

  Healthcare: through hospitals, health centres and outreach clinics, we deliver medication, treatment, follow-up care and surgery to people affected by leprosy.

  Income generation: leprosy is inextricably linked to poverty. As the disease often causes disabilities, a person’s ability to make a living and support their family can be limited. So we provide skills training and small business loans toequip people to live as independently as possible.

  Education: this includes school scholarships for children affected by leprosy, or children from a leprosy background as well as vocational training for young people to increase the employment opportunities available to them.

  Advocacy: stigma and discrimination towards leprosy-affected people still exist in many countries around the world. We work with communities to explain the facts of the disease and to ensure that people diagnosed with leprosy are better accepted and integrated into their home and local community.

Find out how you can make a difference to the lives of people affected by leprosy.

Hear our Voices - who we are and what we do