Shudeepta’s smile speaks a thousand words. After spending two years learning to be a tailor at Bankura Vocational Training Centre (VTC) in West Bengal, the 19-year-old has a bright future ahead of her. However, life hasn’t always been this happy for Shudeepta and her family.
Shudeepta’s mother is affected by leprosy and the family had to rely on a small income from rearing goats and hens. Sadly, their funds would not stretch to allow Shudeepta and her sister to finish school. Even when they had attended school they faced leprosy stigma, constantly facing rejection by the other children. Without an education, Shudeepta had little hope of leaving poverty and stigma behind. Thankfully, because of gifts left in Wills, her story didn’t end here.
Shudeepta’s face lights up when she talks about the time she and her sister have spent at the VTC training to be tailors. Imagine how different life is now for her, no longer burdened by caring for her mother and tending to the animals. Now she can provide for her family and save for a future full of opportunity.
Shudeepta has already gone on to find a job in Kolkata, alongside many of her classmates.
Staff from the VTC visit on a regular basis to ensure the graduate students are being well looked after.
“I love my job! Because I am working I can meet my own needs with my own money and I can also support my family,” she said.
Shudeepta’s new life has been made possible by a small but life-changing investment in her future, thanks to gifts left in Wills by faithful supporters just like you.