Arjan* is a typical 15-year-old boy in Bangladesh. He dreams of doing well at school and growing up and getting a good job. He wants to have his own home and look after his family. But Arjan's life changed overnight when he was diagnosed with leprosy.
He had been getting strange patches on his body, nobody in his family suspected it was leprosy. Arjan tried a local remedy but it didn't work. Things were getting worse. The Covid pandemic hit and he was stopped from going to a local hospital. The numbness he felt creeping into his hands and feet was spreading. This is the brutal reality for hundreds of children in Bangladesh. These are just some of the devastating effects of leprosy.
It wasn't just the physical difficulties. It was the painful rejection from friends that hurt deeply. Arjan was robbed of many years of school. When he was there, his friends wouldn't go near him. It was so upsetting that Arjan had to leave school. He couldn't take it.
No young person should have to get used to loneliness. You can make sure they don't have to.
Today you can change the stories of individuals like Arjan. You can turn tales of despair into hope and triumph. Will you provide life-changing hand surgery for people affected by leprosy?
Your support can mean the difference between a life of disability and poverty and one of independence. Will you respond to help someone like Arjan today?
*Pseudonym used